IREC Berlin

About Us - Burdens and Prayer

Table of Contents

Our Burden

Based on the grace of God and the faith handed down from generation to generation to us, we will serve this generation by establishing a pulpit that is faithful to the Word of God and that shares the good news, the Gospel of Christ to our fellow human beings.

With all of God’s chosen people around the world, we want to see a strong church established as a witness of Christ, as we welcome the next century.

Our Prayer

We pray that the Spirit of God fulfils every Word that is preached from this pulpit. We pray that every congregation who hears the Word from this pulpit obtain the true faith through His Word.

We pray that people who obey His Word may experience salvation in His Gospel and become more and more perfect like our Lord. We pray that this pulpit arouses the conscience of the people of God who live godly and righteous before Him, living justly and lovingly in the body of Christ, and is responsible in all aspects of his life as a witness to the Gospel of Christ in the world.

All glory to God, the giver of His Word to man. May peace reign every soul who loves Him forever. God, bless and lead this pulpit ministry until Thy will be done. Reveal your vision to your people, call upon Thy servants to Thy fields for harvest. Bless our people through this pulpit. Graciously hear your servant’s prayer.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong

IREC Berlin

Sunday Service: Sunday 03:00 PM / CET

Sunday School Service: Sunday 03:00 PM / CET

Choir: Sunday 01:00 PM / CET

Prayer Communion: Friday 07:00 PM / CET

Bible Study: Saturday 03:00 PM / CET

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